Struggling with setting accurate cutoffs for petrophysical parameters like VSH, PHIE, and SW in reservoir characterization studies? You're not alone. Many in the Oil & Gas industry face the challenge of tailoring these cutoffs to each formation's unique characteristics.
The Importance of Petrophysical Cutoffs
Petrophysical cutoffs play a crucial role in reservoir characterization and evaluation. These thresholds are used to classify reservoir rocks based on their petrophysical properties, aiding in identifying mobility hydrocarbon-bearing zones as depicted in the image below courtesy of FREEPIK, determining porosity and water saturation, and ultimately guiding critical decisions in drilling and production operations.

When it comes to cutoff values for parameters such as Volume of Shale (VSH), Effective Porosity (PHIE), and Water Saturation (SW), precision is key. Incorrect cutoff values can lead to erroneous interpretations, impacting the overall assessment of reservoir potential and hydrocarbon volumes.
Validating Legacy Cutoffs vs. Establishing New Ones
Many petrophysicists, reservoir engineers, and geoscientists rely on legacy or pre-determined cutoff values that have been previously computed. While these values serve as a convenient starting point, the dynamic nature of reservoirs demands a critical evaluation of their applicability to the specific formation or interval under investigation.
Validating Existing Cutoffs: Before embarking on the journey of calculating new cutoffs, it's essential to validate the accuracy of the existing ones. This involves, as illustrated in the image below courtesy of ResearchGate, comparing the legacy values with core data or log analysis results from the reservoir of interest. Any discrepancies found should trigger a reassessment of the cutoff values to ensure they align with the actual petrophysical characteristics of the formation.

Computing New Cutoffs: In cases where legacy cutoffs are unavailable or deemed inappropriate, the task falls on the petrophysics expert to estimate or calculate suitable cutoff values. This process involves petrophysical analysis, statistical methods, and geological insights to derive cutoffs that best represent the reservoir's lithology, fluid content, and other pertinent parameters. Check here for details on how to compute petrophysical cutoffs using the classic Cumulative Hydrocarbon Column technique.
Industry Best Practices in Calculating Petrophysical Cutoffs
Data-Driven Analysis: Utilize a comprehensive dataset comprising core samples, well logs, and production data to inform the cutoff determination process. Incorporating various sources of information enhances the accuracy and reliability of the calculated values.
Geological Context: Consider the geological context of the reservoir, including depositional environments, lithology variations, and fluid properties. These factors influence the petrophysical cutoffs and should be carefully accounted for in the calculation.
Cross-Validation Techniques: Apply cross-validation techniques such as regression analysis, cross-plots, and statistical comparisons to validate the calculated cutoff values and ensure their consistency and robustness.
Calculating petrophysical cutoffs involves a combination of science, experience, and meticulous attention to detail. Refining these cutoff values will lead to more accurate reservoir assessments and informed decision-making in the exploration and production processes.
In conclusion, whether you're reviewing legacy cutoffs or embarking on computing new ones, the process of calculating petrophysical cutoffs is a fundamental need for reliable formation and reservoir evaluations.